Chris Langille

Chris Langille

Hi there! I'm Chris, your trusted local agent! Thanks so much for the opportunity to quote your insurance! Take a look at the video above, as I walk through your custom proposal. This is "Agent Info" box that you can edit from your profile page. Super simple to give your customer a description or bio about yourself! This box will appear on all QuoteVids by default, but you can override it with custom content on a page-by-page basis :)

Don’t become “Sub-standard” business

As mentioned in some of my other articles about how insurance companies determine their rates, it’s important to understand what can impact your insurance score. What many people don’t realize is there are actually insurance companies that are in business…

Chris Langille

Chris Langille

Typically replies within an hour

I will be back soon

Chris Langille
Hey there 👋
It’s your friend Chris Langille. How can I help you?